Saturday, August 15, 2009

My Little Poems

1. A lass lay i lassitude near her dear deep in dreams

2. I looked
She Blushed
She said
"Go ahead"
So said
she smiled
I'm Blessed

3. The hope of future
Is the phial of existence
So the destruction of hope
Is the greatest sin.

4. A cigerette
Is the fume of life
That fumes to form
The lovely forms
That hurrying to dissolve
In the moving wind
And the wind of mind
That wheels i thoughts,
And in the gloomy moods.


5. Don't tryto winme
You'll loss me
Spare me free
You'll get me, love.


6. Burry your brain
And rise up with your heart
And go back to God
And see how you are happy!


Brain & Heart

A brain is a brain when it is free
To think what it wants;
A heart is a heart only when it is bound
To another loving heart

On the day of parting...

On the day of parting

Holding her hand in mine

I told her with pain in heart:

"Remember me when you forget me

And forget me when you remeber me"

She stood still and said nothing

With trembling lips and flowing eyes

But grasped my hands with added strength...


Rose Petal

A Drop

Of tear

Comes out

Of the tearing

Of one tender


Fell on a rose petal

And make it

More red.


A Question to the Creator

Oh! Creator! Oh! God!
Here kneels a Creature before thy golden throne.
Care for my cries, and bless me with your hands.

My blind eyes Oh! Creator ,desired for the light of Wisdom
And my deaf ears longed to listen to the sound of Truth

My tasteless tongue Oh! Creator
Craved for the sweet words and my dumb lips seek
To produce the tune of love.

My unfelt body Oh! Creator aspired for the touch of relief
And my broken hands and legs are useless to help my brethren.

Oh! Creator, the greatest Wisdom
Oh! God the Love, Justice and Mercy,
Tell me Oh! Father, Is this Creation
A mistake or a failure?